We deliver the golden thread of professional learning from initial teacher education to the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) for school leaders.

- We make routes to teacher training clear and available, targeting supply at demand, and providing access to the highest quality initial teacher training.
- We maximise the impact of the Early Career Framework (ECF) to make a positive difference in the recruitment and retention of teachers.
- We deliver the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) to develop leadership skills and knowledge.
- We support schools to access evidence-informed CPD, targeted to local needs.
- We ensure that ECTs receive their statutory entitlements and are fairly and consistently assessed through our role as an appropriate body.
How do we do this?
- We recruit and develop the most credible teachers, leaders and system leaders in our region to create a cadre of high-quality facilitators to deliver across the breadth of professional learning.
- We expect the highest achievements and standards from all members of the trust and hub community, striving for excellence in all that we do.
- We implement rigorous procedures for monitoring the performance of all hub services, using the findings to inform further improvement as part of the evaluation cycle.
- We place collaboration above competition, working together in a relationship based on honesty, authenticity, feedback and trust.