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Starts on 01/09/2021

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2 years

Designed for

Early career teachers and their mentors


The UCL programme components draw on multiple pedagogies of teacher education to effectively develop teachers as skilled professionals. Learning activities are targeted to the developmental needs of the early career teachers and the nature of content in each module. Mentors are fully prepared for their role in the programme through targeted training which addresses both the content of the Early Career Framework and the highly skilled practice of mentoring.

The programme will be delivered through a blended learning approach to create flexible and social learning environments that support early career teachers’ development.

A flexible programme that works with your timetable

  • Early career teacher self-study sessions can be completed at any time, as a single block of study or broken up across a number of days.
  • Modules within the programme are presented in a suggested sequence, which can be adapted to suit local needs where appropriate. Modules are sufficiently bounded that they can be completed in any order.
  • Module summary guides provide a clear overview of sessions in each module, including preparation required and key learning activities. Mentors and early career teachers can use this to target session selection and sequencing to early career teachers learning needs, their school calendar and other commitments with which the programme must dovetail.
  • Mentors and early career teacher complete module content audits at the start of each module, which clearly indicate where to target and personalise activity within and across sessions so that it best addresses each early career teacher learning needs.

Please scroll down for full details of the curriculum and programme structure.


The in-school induction tutor or lead is responsible for the ECT assessment in conjunction with your chosen appropriate body service. They will assess the ECT against the Teachers’ Standards. This will involve completing observations, progress reviews and formal reports. They will also oversee support for all ECTs within school and monitor engagement of mentors and ECTs with the ECF programme.

Key assessment points:

  • Progress reviews at the end of term 1, term 2, term 4 and term 5
  • Formal assessments at the end of term 3 and term 6

Our teaching school hubs offer a full appropriate body service.

Dates, times & locations of training sessions

The session dates and times for each ECT or mentor cohort are shared with participants directly.

Year 1: Compulsory Training

Early career teachers: Each half term there will be a compulsory 2-hour online training session and one 1-hour online learning community session.

Mentors: Each term there will be a compulsory 1-hour online learning community session.

It is important that all sessions are attended by participants.

Year 1: Themed modules

Autumn 1

Module 1:
Enabling pupil learning
(Teachers’ Standards 1 and 7)

Mentor Online Learning Community 1 hour
w/c 19th September 2022ECT Training – 2 hours
w/c 26th September 2022ECT Online Learning Community – 1 hour
w/c 17th October 2022
Autumn 2

Module 2:
Engaging pupils
in learning

(Teachers’ Standards 2 and 3)


ECT Training – 2 hours
w/c 31st October 2022ECT Online Learning Community – 1 hour
w/c 12th December 2022
Spring 1

Module 3: Developing quality

(Teachers’ Standards 4 and 5)


ECT Training – 2 hours
w/c 3rd January 2023ECT Online Learning Community – 1 hour
w/c 6th February 2023
Spring 2

Module 3:
Developing quality
pedagogy (continued)

(Teachers’ Standards 4 and 5)


Mentor Online Learning Community – 1 hour
w/c 6th March 2023ECT Training – 2 hours
w/c 20th February 2023ECT Online Learning Community – 1 hour
w/c 27th March 2023
Summer 1

Module 4:
Making productive
use of assessment

(Teachers’ Standard 6)


ECT Training – 2 hours
w/c 24th April 2023ECT Online Learning Community – 1 hour
w/c 22nd May 2023
Summer 2

Module 5:
Fulfilling professional
(Teachers’ Standard 8)


Mentor Online Learning Community – 1 hour
w/c 12th June 2023ECT Training – 2 hours
w/c 24th April 2023ECT Online Learning Community –
w/c 22nd May 2023


Year 2: Compulsory Training

Early career teachers: In term 1 and term 2 there are two compulsory 2-hour online training sessions and in term 3 ECTs will undertake two external school visits to complement their enquiry-based learning.

Mentors: Each term there will be a compulsory 1-hour online learning community session.

It is important that all sessions are attended by participants.

Year 2: Inquiry based learning

Autumn 1

Module 6: Inquiry into enabling pupil learning


Revisiting learning from Module 1. Investigating one area of practice, from Standards 1 and 7, and conducting a rapid exploratory inquiry into the impact of the ECT’s existing practice.
Autumn 2

Module 7: Inquiry into engaging pupils in learning


Revisiting learning from Module 2. Using the audit to identify one area of practice, drawn from Standards 2 and 3, to focus a second exploratory inquiry into the impact of the ECT’s existing practice, and to identify useful changes to practice.
Spring term and Summer 1

Module 8: Inquiry into developing quality pedagogy and making productive use of assessment

Revisiting learning from Modules 3 and 4. From an audit of Standards 4, 5 and 6, conducting a more extended inquiry, evaluating the impact on pupils of an alteration to the ECT’s practice. Sharing the findings of this inquiry with colleagues.
Summer 2

Module 9: Fulfilling professional responsibilities


Revisiting Module 5 content, reflecting on progress across the programme, exploring and preparing for how the ECT’s professional role may evolve as their career develops.



Participant Community

Our participants are drawn from a vast range of schools and academies in our hub communities – and beyond, across all phases and contexts, including early years settings, primary, secondary, alternative provision, special educational settings, faith, and the independent sector. They all form part of our ECT and mentor communities, learning from, and with each other, at our sessions and additional events and networks bespoke to their needs and learning.

To support our participants in the completion of the ECF, our offer includes as standard:

  • A structured and supportive evidence-informed curriculum designed by UCL, a world-leading centre for research and teaching.
  • Fully facilitated online learning sessions with expert colleagues each term.
  • Access to the UCL eXtend learning platform and all resources, recordings and supportive guidance documents.
  • Structured self-study sessions for ECTs.
  • Self-directed learning materials to develop mentors as experts in both mentoring and the content of the Early Career Framework.
  • A supportive local peer network.

Cohort 1 of national rollout started in September 2021, with additional start dates of January 2022 and April 2022 for non-standard participants.

A non-standard participant is where an ECT commences induction in either January or April in the academic year.


Read about the UCL Early Career Professional Development Programme


Adam Wood, Deputy Head, Ryecroft Primary Academy
Adam has been the Deputy Head at Ryecroft for the past 5 years. During this time, he helped take the school from Special Measures to Good. He has been supporting NQTs/ECTs for over 10 years and has led the school in a range of areas, including, behaviour, safeguarding, teaching and learning, maths and wellbeing. Adam also is the Thrive lead (a mental health support intervention) in schools across Bradford and Leeds.


Brian Coughlan, ITT Coordinator, New College, Pontefract
Brian has over 30 years’ experience in the classroom teaching Economics and has led trust wide professional development for his specialist subject area. He is passionate about the development of new teachers and has been successfully working alongside the leadership team supporting and coaching NQTs/ ECTs for a number of years. In addition to this, he also supports PGCE trainees in the role of Induction Tutor for a range of local providers. In recent years, he has created and led effective professional development on a wide range of strategies including metacognition and memory, forms of practice, and threshold concepts.


Clare Lawrence, Vice Principal, Dowson Primary Academy, The Enquire Learning Trust
Clare is the Vice Principal of Dowson Primary Academy in Greater Manchester. At Dowson, she is responsible for leading teaching and learning, curriculum development and Maths. Clare has been a facilitator of the Early Career Framework for the last two academic years and prior to that she was an NQT Hub Leader for The Enquire Learning Trust. Through her varied roles within school and as part of a trust, Clare has been responsible for training, mentoring, and coaching many students, ECTs and experienced teachers.


Fiona Roberts, Curriculum Leader for Mathematics and Computing, The King’s School, Pontefract Academies Trust
Fiona joined The King’s School, Pontefract in June 2019 as Curriculum Leader for Mathematics, having previously worked in a variety of departmental leadership roles in other schools. She has been responsible for KS3,4 & 5 Mathematics and improving the progress of students studying Maths at GCSE and A Level. Her roles have also included leading on teaching and learning through effective professional development and the monitoring of implementation of new strategies. Within her leadership roles, she has created schemes of learning and resources to ensure continuity of content and challenge throughout her specialist teaching areas. Fiona’s knowledge of Mastery within Maths has been increased by the collaborative work she has been involved in with Yorkshire Ridings Maths Hub and states a real highlight of this work was a trip to Shanghai to observe Maths teaching which significantly shaped her own practice.


Leah Robinson, Deputy Head Teacher, Girnhill Infant School, Inspire Partnership Multi Academy Trust
Leah has over 5 years leadership experience, becoming Deputy Head Teacher at Girnhill Infant School in September 2020. In addition to this, Leah is a highly experienced Early Years Leader and SENCo. In all of her roles, she has led on whole school curriculum development, supporting a team of teachers early in their careers to develop their own teaching practice and develop their subject leadership. Leah has been pivotal in the development of provision and curriculum within her own school and has supported wider within her academy trust, particularly in relation to Early Years Provision.


Lisa Singleton, Rodillian MAT ECT Induction Tutor and ITT Co-ordinator, Brayton Academy
Lisa is the ECT induction tutor, working in schools across a multi academy trust. Lisa’s role also includes coaching a team of professionals with a focus on improving the standards of teaching and learning, delivering CPD both in her own setting and across other schools and teams of professionals. Lisa has led on developing bespoke KS3 curriculums and designing and delivering the professional development trust wide coaching programme. In her early career she was accredited as an advanced skills teacher and gained vast experience supporting staff in other schools.


Matt Neal, Curriculum Lead PE, Vale Academy
Matt has been PE Curriculum Lead for 5 years and a Sixth Form tutor for 11 years. He has been involved in co-ordinating high profile sports programmes in collaboration with the school sports partnership and more recently working as part of a Sport England working body to design strategies to engage learning and increase participation through physical activity across the academy.
Matt is an experienced coach and has undertaken many years of ITT mentoring through the School Direct programme as well as delivering and facilitating in-school CPD programmes.


Nicola Denham, Deputy Director of Learning, The Rodillian Academy.
Nicola has extensive experience delivering training for a wide range of colleagues at different levels of the profession, both at The Rodillian Academy and city wide. She has worked for the Leeds Appropriate Body and was in charge of Secondary NQTs. Nicola was an advanced skills teacher early in her career and supported the role out of the National Strategies Framework for Design Technology. She was also a Lead Teacher for Design Technology, developing and delivery subject specific training. Nicola is a highly experienced and effective coach who continues to support colleagues at all stages of their careers.


Sarah Padfield, Lead Teacher of Science, Melior Community Academy, Delta Academies Trust
Sarah has extensive experience of both whole school and trust wide professional development design and implementation, having led on a variety of high profile strategies. She continually seeks to support colleagues in a formal and informal coaching and mentoring capacity as well as developing teachers in the early stages of their careers. Each year, Sarah successfully mentors School Direct, PGCE and Early Career Teachers and sees this as a rewarding and critical element of her role.


Sarah Price, English Director, Delta Academies Trust
Sarah has a variety of experience within school senior leadership, ranging from academic posts driving progress, to Assistant Principal with responsibility for Teaching and Learning. She has been responsible for planning and delivering trust wide professional development to support significant uplifts in progress and outcomes in her subject area. Sarah continues to work with academies across the trust and beyond with local partners, training staff to deliver lessons that will raise both outcomes and increase progress in English. She is also a lead member of the Evidence Matters team working collaboratively with local research schools on an initiative to deliver trust wide professional development focused on improving reading across all disciplines. Sarah has had experience delivering training for experienced colleagues on the NPQ programme and is now enjoying her time working with early career teachers as a facilitator on the ECF programme.


Sian Vaughton, Learning and Achievement Development, Every Child Matters Academy Trust
Sian is an outstanding practitioner with experience of teaching across key stages 1 and 2, and leading developments in teaching and learning across a number of mainstream primary schools. She specialises in behaviour and SEND and has several years experience as a SENDCO/Executive SENDCO, delivering a wide range of SEND and behaviour-based training. In her current role, Sian currently works with eight primary schools supporting teachers and leaders to develop practice, leading on the development of the wider curriculum, and supporting schools to embed effective approaches to behaviour management.


Simon Benson, Leader for Quality of Education – Early Career Teachers, Horizon Community College
Simon has extensive experience of planning and facilitating CPD and ITT/ECT provision at Horizon Community College. He annually supports and develops large cohorts of trainees, ECTs and their Mentors. Simon is passionate about the application of instructional coaching and deliberate practice and has developed this as standard practice within the early career teacher provision at Horizon. He is an experienced facilitator for the ECF Programme and SLE for ITT and ECT development.

Further Info

Provider-led programmes are funded by DfE, so there are no costs for state-funded schools.

Funding will cover:

  • time off timetable for early career teachers and mentors in the second year of induction paid directly to schools
  • training delivered directly to early career teachers by an external provider – providers will be paid directly so schools will not face any payment burdens
  • training delivered directly to mentors by an external provider – providers will be paid directly so schools will not face any payment burdens
  • additional funding to backfill mentor time spent undertaking training paid directly to schools

If you are an independent school, you can still access our programme.

For further information, please contact us.